
iOS/iPadOSsupportiCloudbackups,orbackinguptoacomputerdirectly.BackingupdirectlytoaNASisnotsupported.~Lyssa.,Youcandobothwiredandwirelessbackups.It'srecommendedtodoawiredbackupfirstbecauseitisfasterthatway.Afterthefirstbackupit ...,UNWIRE.HK-【教...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Back up iPhone to NAS

iOS/iPadOS support iCloud backups, or backing up to a computer directly. Backing up directly to a NAS is not supported. ~Lyssa.

Can I use my NAS to back up all my iphone data like to iCloud? Or ...

You can do both wired and wireless backups. It's recommended to do a wired backup first because it is faster that way. After the first backup it ...

【教學】 iPhone iPad 一鍵全自動備份NAS + PC + 雲端任選位

UNWIRE.HK - 【教學】 iPhone / iPad 一鍵全自動備份NAS + PC + 雲端任選位置. 全店,買滿$2000 免運費(只限香港)(澳門地區免運費不適用於桌上顯示器 ...

How To Backup iPhone To Synology NAS

1. Install the app on your iPhone via the App Store. · 2. Launch the app on your iPhone. · 3. Log into your Synology NAS with your credentials. · 4 ... How to Backup iPhone to... · How to Create a Manual...

How to Backup iPhone to Synology NAS

This article will show you how you can use various methods to backup an iPhone directly to a Synology NAS device.

Best method for full iPhone backup to my NAS? : rhomelab

All you can do it just take regular manual backups with a computer and upload them to your NAS. Upvote

Synology NAS and iPhone backups

Use the DS File app from Synology on your iPhone to manually upload files to your NAS. Alternatively, connect your iPhone to a computer, ...

4 Easy Methods to Backup iPhone to Synology NAS [2025]

評分 4.5 (374) You can also backup iPhone to Synology NAS using the Synology Moments App. This option allows you automatically back up your iPhone photos to Synology NAS. It ... How To Set Up Synology NAS... · How To Automatically B

iPhone iPad Backup to NAS

Your Apple devices can either back up to iCloud (which precludes the NAS devices), or iTunes on your Windows laptop. If you choose iTunes, ...

Best Storage for Apple Users

Sync photos and files between your iPhone/iPad and NAS. You can also set up a team folder for sharing with family, friends, or colleagues. Learn More: Qsync Pro ...


iOS/iPadOSsupportiCloudbackups,orbackinguptoacomputerdirectly.BackingupdirectlytoaNASisnotsupported.~Lyssa.,Youcandobothwiredandwirelessbackups.It'srecommendedtodoawiredbackupfirstbecauseitisfasterthatway.Afterthefirstbackupit ...,UNWIRE.HK-【教學】iPhone/iPad一鍵全自動備份NAS+PC+雲端任選位置.全店,買滿$2000免運費(只限香港)(澳門地區免運費不適用於桌上顯示器 ...,1.InstalltheapponyouriPhonevia...